Friday, June 07, 2013

On The Road Again

For the first time since I moved down here six years ago, I did a road trip to Ontario. Usually, I fly there and a couple of times have driven back here with my mother. This time, after what amounted to a summons in a birthday card from a woman who is 88 and a long-time friend, we decided to make the road trip in early June. We went west through the States because I'd never done that (just a couple of trips to Vermont and Pennsylvania when I was 19 and 20) and I wanted to see different scenery.

New Brunswick, on our way to the Houlton border crossing: Love the proportions! No wonder it's safer to fly.

Maine: C'mon, does this not seem odd to you?? Welcome to the 21st century!

Maine: Our only moose sighting, outside a service station & craft boutique at the first toll plaza.


Who knew western Massachusetts was so gorgeous? Very hilly, very lush.

So close and yet so far.

Thanks to the Interstate, the only city we drove close to was Buffalo, on our way to...
...the Peace Bridge.

On the way home, we had one planned detour that was rather an adventure because we had a general idea where it was but had never been there before: Cornhill Nursery 14 kms outside Petitcodiac, NB. Worth the drive! Trees, shrubs and perennials and great ideas for landscaping, PLUS the Cedar Cafe.

It was now, at the end of our week-long journey to visit friends and family back in Ontario, that the   one-and-only "guided" tour moment occurred. 
As we were driving along this country road hoping to find Cornhill but not sure where it was or even we were, having just turned when the sign pointed to Cornhill, I said to my mother, "Maybe after this hill, we'll get a sign."
"We want two signs," she said.
"No, no," I told her, impatient at this point. "I don't want  a sign-sign, just a real sign." 
Like the one above.
BUT the very next sign we saw, at the bottom of the property of a house we were admiring, nailed to the power pole was a sign that said, "Almost there."
I kid you not.
And around another curve or two, we came to the Cornhill Nursery sign. 

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