Saturday, May 01, 2021

A Poem: COVIDeer

Photo courtesy of  Shaun Whalen - thanks, Shaun! 


She grazes close to the house
on her own
feeding on the new spring grass

She eats
ears flicking
then picks up her head, looks around
her ears unmoving

She bends again
eats another mouthful
then again
her head comes up and she looks around
a sound spooks her
and she runs across the low end of the field
behind the chicken coop and the shed
but she’s not running fast
just enough
just in case

She pauses along the far side of the yard
where the grass is growing long and green already
bends down to eat
walks forward
stands and looks around 
for the longest time

and eats
and listens
and looks

Her journey is moments
relaxed grazing
to nourish her body
total alertness
to keep herself safe
graceful and watchful
in equal measure

Ears and eyes tuned to the world 
what was that?
do I need to pay attention?
do I need to run?
or stand quietly?
am I safe here?

And I think
she is

our pandemic journey is moments
tweets and posts and videos
watching numbers rise and fall
walking alone
staying close to home
but ever vigilant
for danger
do I comment?
or stay quiet?
gracious and malicious
in equal measure

A virus stalks us
hunting us down
in the air
without a sound

Our eyes and ears are tuned to the world
are we safe here?

We are
the deer

~ SJ, April 26, 2021

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