Sunday, April 02, 2017

Zen Goat Meditation

Clover the Pygmy kid is a lot bigger than she was a month ago! the risk of jinxing it (writer's superstition), I am working hard on the sample essays for Field Notes 2 -- yes, another collection of essays about the wonderful people I meet and the exciting rural adventures I have in Nova Scotia -- because I want to have them submitted before I leave on the Ontario book tour.
A self-imposed deadline of April 14 seemed doable a month ago but it's taking more time and energy than I expected. Not in a bad way but with church sermons to write, and two assignments for a magazine to complete, plus my bi-weekly column, it's far more work than I'm used to doing.
And I'm not sure if I'm joking or not. 

Now normally, my answer to stressful situations is found in the cookie jar, and in the baking that keeps it filled. Also, walking. Lots and lots of walking.
But sometimes, cookies and walking don't cut it. I need something bigger, something badder, something that bleats and bounces and bumps.
Sometimes the answer is found in the goat barn.
So that's where I headed yesterday morning. I indulged in an hour of fun with the baby goats, who a month after being born, are a lot bouncier and less cuddly than they were at the end of February. But sweet! And funny!
And the big mamas are friendlier now that they are less protective of their no longer newborn offspring. It helps that I arrived loaded up with treats: pieces of carrot and apple. Goat stampede!

By the way, all the babies born last month, all nine of them, have survived and are thriving. Including Frankie, the Togg twin, who spent a couple of weeks living in the house (!) to gain strength so she could get her fair share of mama's food. I tell you, there's nothing more tempting than the friendliness of a house-raised kid. But if I kid-napped her, I'd miss out on the fun of visiting the barn and the other eight babes. 

It just so happens, this also takes care of my column this week (I know - way to not work, Sara). 
My column this week is about seeking out the goats as a time-out from work and thinking. When there's too much non-stop work, the best place to be is the goat barn where it's non-stop play.

In fact, after a morning of church work and an afternoon of - what else? - writing, I'm heading back to the barn right now...

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