Saturday, April 23, 2016

How To Make A Cat Happy

Even though my birthday is not for another two and a half weeks, and I always wait to open cards and gifts on the actual day, I had to open this box from my niece Mimi in Georgia because the cats began tearing into it right away. They have this thing for ripping tape off boxes.
How do cats come up with their quirks, anyway? Some genetic wheel they spin -- Red 5! Black 4! -- and you are assigned whatever cat trait -- sleeping on heads, let's say -- that the wheel stops at.
Needless to say, once the gift was extricated, Leonard claimed the box for his own. Including the plastic bubble wrap. He likes anything that makes a crinkly noise.
If this is what it takes to keep my two indoor cats happy, I'm all about receiving large boxes full of plastic bubble wrap.
A gift inside would be a bonus.


  1. Cats love boxes!!! Cute photo, thanks so much for sharing and warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)

  2. Cats love boxes!!! Cute photo, thanks so much for sharing and warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)
